The liver is responsible for over
different things; one of them is filtering the blood. The blood comes up into
the liver. The liver has two blood supplies, one comes from the lungs and heart
and the other from the stomach and intestines. The blood comes in and goes
through the filtering process and gets all the Liver Cleanse
impurities out of the blood. It gets oxygen from the lungs, it gets nutrients
from the small intestines and stomach, and the red blood cell comes out the
other end of the liver and it's all clean and happy and strong and it has
oxygen and nutrients.
Now it's heading down to feed
your body. When the liver gets plugged up the blood comes and it has the oxygen
attached to it, it has the nutrients attached to it, but all the toxins have
not been removed. So now it has food colorings, preservatives, nitrates, carbon
dioxide, you name it, it's stuck onto the red blood cell. Now it goes down to
feed your body and it gets pulled into a cell.
Because a cell has respiration,
it needs to get rid of carbon dioxide and bring the oxygen in, take in
nutrients and push the toxins out. So it pulls this in and uses the oxygen, the
foods and nutrients, and creates ATP, which is the energy to the cell. All of
sudden there is a food coloring, that's a toxin; it's foreign to your body. The
cell says, uh oh, someone's moving into the neighborhood and I don't like it.
It literally builds a place in the cell where it puts the toxins.
Over time and distance, one year,
five years, whatever, that she becomes larger than the brains of the cell. When
that happens, the cell says, "The neighborhoods gone to optimist sends a
chemical message to the brain and tells the brain to come down clean up the
neighborhood. The brain sends down the cells that kill foreign objects in your
body. They get down there and start looking around and say, "Man, the
whole neighborhood's shot." So they jump in there and take it all out.
The liver secretes vital
digestive juices that help properly digest food and cleanse the blood.
Pesticides, polluted air, water and soil are inhaled or absorbed daily. Our
exposure to toxins is increased by our use of steroids, medications, smoking, and
over-indulgence of alcohol, poor food choices, and not drinking Liver Cleanse Pills enough
fresh clean water. There have been over synthetic
chemicals identified in our of us in the USA food chain. Many of these are
cancer causing! With the prevalence of synthetic foods, nutrient deficient
foods, and the environmental pollution of our air and water, our liver is
working harder than ever to detoxify our body and regulate healthy metabolic
The liver does all of the above
and more AND it is one of the most often ignored organs. In the years Dana Clay
Young (the formulator of the Be Young brand of essential oils) has been
studying the human body and essential oils he has yet to find a single disease
that he cannot trace back to the liver.