It's a mixture of whey and casein encasing turns out to be the immunogen for a lot of the people who have cow's milk liposomal glutathione in tolerances or food allergies and so if you can get native way the way that's done with what's called counter flow techniques so that the protein is in a native form when you when you consume the meal.
That has it you know the supplement that has it so liver detox we do recommend native whey protein the kind that has been separated from the liposomal glutathione immunogenic casing and that is a valuable way of building glutathione but having a protein that's been beaten up to the point where it no longer knows it was ever way it's been partially denatured has been partially oxidized has been partly solvent enriched.
That's liver detox what most of the commercial whey products are and we don't recommend that makes sense now I'm trying to wrap my liposomal glutathione head around this I'm familiar with like whey concentrates whey isolates and so forth is is this native whey protein is that a whey isolate in the sense or isolates mean that you are trying to isolate the way from everything else and the problem is when you isolate it from everything else it unfolds.
So what you want is what's called native way by liposomal glutathione counter flow technique so basically instead of forcing these molecules through tiny holes in membranes under high pressure which damages them which happens in the isolate you gently push and pull allowing the molecules to wiggle through in their native state so what you want is is a product that will proudly say native way by counter flow great liver detox.
That makes a lot of sense right there dr. Jaffe so I think we've pretty much tackled mentality name we understand you know how its derived why it's so important why it's beneficial for our health of metabolism and you know a little bit cloudy in my head right now liposomal glutathione because I'm recognizing a lot of the same you know raw material precursors that are involved in mentality name production also make our glutathione so you want to talk about some of the differences there.
That has it you know the supplement that has it so liver detox we do recommend native whey protein the kind that has been separated from the liposomal glutathione immunogenic casing and that is a valuable way of building glutathione but having a protein that's been beaten up to the point where it no longer knows it was ever way it's been partially denatured has been partially oxidized has been partly solvent enriched.
That's liver detox what most of the commercial whey products are and we don't recommend that makes sense now I'm trying to wrap my liposomal glutathione head around this I'm familiar with like whey concentrates whey isolates and so forth is is this native whey protein is that a whey isolate in the sense or isolates mean that you are trying to isolate the way from everything else and the problem is when you isolate it from everything else it unfolds.
So what you want is what's called native way by liposomal glutathione counter flow technique so basically instead of forcing these molecules through tiny holes in membranes under high pressure which damages them which happens in the isolate you gently push and pull allowing the molecules to wiggle through in their native state so what you want is is a product that will proudly say native way by counter flow great liver detox.
That makes a lot of sense right there dr. Jaffe so I think we've pretty much tackled mentality name we understand you know how its derived why it's so important why it's beneficial for our health of metabolism and you know a little bit cloudy in my head right now liposomal glutathione because I'm recognizing a lot of the same you know raw material precursors that are involved in mentality name production also make our glutathione so you want to talk about some of the differences there.